Eschaton: "More Fair and Balanced
300 bigots and lunatics protesting around a carved rock, worthy of nonstop coverage. 100,000 people protesting a war, worthy of brief snide commentary.
-Atrios 10:33 AM"
"Be who you are and be that well" - St. Francis de Sales
""I am what I am and that's all that I am" - Popeye the Sailor Man
Eschaton: "More Fair and Balanced
"'Liberal policies made America the freest, wealthiest, most successful and most powerful nation in human history. Conservatism in power always threatens to undo that national progress, and is almost always frustrated by the innate decency and democratic instincts of the American people...
"Gray Davis’ troubles were caused in large measure by a conspiracy of energy companies led by Ken Lay and blessed by Dick Cheney. The idea that any market manipulation was taking place was mocked as ridiculous paranoia by Republican pundits like Charles Krauthammer and William Safire. The recall effort was funded by more right-wing Republican money. And the state’s deficit is smaller, as a percentage of its budget, than is Bush’s even though he refuses to spend anything like what’s necessary for homeland security — something we will all someday regret. And what’s the result? Voters will punish the Democrats and hand the Republicans the most Democratic state in America. Great.' -- Eric Alterman"